It gave us great pleasure and satisfaction to see and hear the Bukit Batok Boys' Hostel (BBH) boys perform on 3 November 2010 at the Experiential Learning Forum 2010, held at Republic Polytechnic. Together with forum delegates, the drummers struck a rousing mix of samba, African and even Malay joget! We would like to thank the forum organisers for giving the boys this great opportunity to showcase their talent.
[1st panel, 2nd from left] Mr Seto Lok Yin, RP's Deputy Principal (Industry Services) gamely joined in [Click to enlarge] |
In October 2010, Explora assisted PERTAPIS in starting the BBH Drumming Community. The desired outcomes are to teach the boys to become a team of drummers. They are taught to read music scores and to use the different types of drums, and expose them to freestyle drumming. In playing together, the key is for one drummer to listen to others and sync his personal beat into an overall orchestrated rhythm.
The ELF marks the boys' third public performance. Previously, they performed with senior officers from SAFTI and senior citizens living in Boon Keng as part of a community outreach effort.
We are proud to announce that the drummers have been invited to perform in next year's International Chingay Parade. We could not have asked for a better validation of the boys' talent, dedication and effort.