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26 January 2011

1 day of Experiential Learning...

...for a group of teachers involved in the Gifted Education Programme took place on 1 Dec 2010. The main event was an 'Amazing Race'-style activity that took them from Labrador Adventure Centre to places like Fort Canning Park, Kampong Glam, Botanic Gardens and HortPark. They even had time to sit down to a delicious lunch at Zam Zam Restaurant - for some of the teachers, this was their first time they were able to sample the famous prata and briyani!

Perhaps the most interesting (and interactive) checkpoint was at Kallang Community Centre, where the teachers sat down to a community drumming session, conducted by Ms Soh Geok Kee and her team of dedicated drumming leaders, all of whom volunteer their time to pass on their passion for drumming to interested people who want to try their hand at it.

All in all, it was a full day and the teachers came away with a deeper impression of how Experiential Learning can help in the education of their gifted students in the respective schools - particularly in the area of dealing with open-ended outcomes, decision-making as well as leadership and followership.

The teachers being briefed about how Experiential Learning can be incorporated into the teaching curriculum.

Determining the best way to get to the first checkpoint.

A member of the public is approached to answer some questions posed by the teachers.

Lunch at Zam Zam Restaurant!

Meet the Kg Glam family!

Trying to piece together a sketch of a bus stop.

The other group doing the same.

There's some hidden talent in these people...

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